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Против метода очерк анархистской теории познания

См. мою рецензию на "Теорию познания" Крафта в BJPS (т. 13, 1963 с. 319 и сл., особенно с. 321, второй абзац). См. также ссылки в "Логике научного открытия" К. Поппера.


1. Althusser L. For Marx. London and New York, 1970.

2. Anderson E. Plants, Man and Life. London, 1954.

3. Ames A. Aniseikonic Glasses. – In: Explorations in Transactional Psychology. New York, 1961.

4. Аристотель. Соч. в 4-х томах. M., 1976-1984.

5. Armitage A. The Deviation of Falling Bodies. – Annals of Science, v. 5, 1941-1947.

6. Augustine, St. Contra Julianum, V, siv, 51-Migne, v. 44.

7. Austin J. L. Sense and Sensibilia. New York, 1962 (2nd. ed. 1964).

8. Ayer A. J. Foundations of Empirical Knowledge. L., 1943.

9. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Cambridge, 1932.

10. Бэкон Ф. Соч. в 2-х томах. M., 1977-1978.

11. Бакунин M. А. Избранные сочинения, тт. 1-5. П. – M., 1919-1921.

12. Barkers. The Role of Simplicity in Explanation. – In: Feigl H. and Maxwell G. (eds.). Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York, 1961.

13. Baumker С. Witelo, ein Philosoph und Naturforscher der 13. Jahrhunderts. – Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Bd. III, Munster, 1908.

14. Вeazly J. D. and Ashmоle В. Greek Sculpture and Painting. Cambridge, 1966.

15. Becher J. R. Expressionismus. Raabe P. und Olten (ed.). Freiburg, 1965.

16. Вeсker R. Theorie der Elektrizitat, Leipzig, 1949.

17. Benn G. Lyrik und Prosa, Briefe und Dokumente. Wiesbaden, 1962.

18. Вerellus. De Vero Telescopii Inventore. Hague, 1655.

19. Berkeley G. An Essay Toward a New Theory of Vision. – Works, vol. 1, Frazer. (ed.), London, 1901.

20. Вinfоrd L. R. and Вinfоrd S. R. New Perspectives in Archaeology. Chicago, 1968.

21. Blumenberg F. Galileo Galilei, Siderius Nuncius, Nachricht von neuen Sternen. Vol. 1, Frankfurt, 1965.

22. Blumenberg F. Die Kopernikanische Wende. Frankfurt, 1965.

23. Воhm D. Causality and Chance in Modern Physics. London, 1957.

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26. Bohr N. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature. Cambridge, 1932.

27. Bohr N. Discussions with Einstein. – In: Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist. P. A. Sсhilpp (ed.), Evanston, 1948.

28. Bohr N. and Rosenfeld L. Kgl.-Danske Videnskab, Selskab, Math.-Phs. Medd, vol. 12, n. 8, 1933.

29. Воndi H. Assumption and Myth in Physical Theory. Cambridge, 1968. Бонди Г. Гипотезы и мифы в физической теории. M., 1972.

30. Born – Einstein. Letters. New York, 1971.

31. Born M. Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance. London, 1948.

32. Bousset W. Die Himmelsreise der Seele. – Archiv fur Religionwissenschaft, Bd. 4, 1901 (reprint: Darmstadt, 1961).

33. Breсht B. Schriften zum Theater. Berlin und Frankfurt am Main, 1957.

34. Вreсht B. Uber das Zerpflucken von Gedichten. – In: Uber Lyrik, 1964.

34a. Broderick I. Robert Bellarmine, Saint and Scholar. London, 1961.

35. Вгоdsky S. and Drell S. The Present Status of Quantum Electrodynamics. – Annual Review of Nuclear Science, vol. 20, Palo Alto, 1970.

36. Brower – Clemence. Methods of Celestial Mechanics New York, 1961.

37. Brunо G. La Cena de le Ceneri. – In: Opere Italiane, I, ed. Gentile G., Bari, 1907.

38. Bullmann R. Die Frage der Entmythologisierung. Munchen, 1954.

39. Bunge M. Causality. Cambridge, Mass., 1959. Бунге М. Причинность. M., 1962.

40. Burmeister K. H. Georg Joachim Rheticus, III. Wiesbaden. 1968.

41. Burnet J. Early Greek Philosophy. London, 1930.

42. Bullerfield H. The Whig Interpretation of History. New York 1965.

43. Сannоn W. H. Bodily Changes in Pain. – In: Hunger, Fear and Rage. New York, 1915.

44. Cannon W. H. "Voodoo" Death. – American Anthropologist, n. s., xiv, 1942.

45. Сarlоs E. St. The Siderial Messenger of Galileo Galilei. London, 1880 (reissued 1960).

46. Сarnap R. Die Physikalische Sprache als Universalsprache der Wissenschaft. – Erkenntnis, Bd. 2, 1932.

47. Сarnap R. Psychologie in Physikalischer Sprache. – Erkenntnis. Bd. 3, 1933.

48. Carnap R. Uber Protokollsatze. – Erkenntnis, Bd. 3, 1933.

49. Сarnap R. Testability and Meaning. – Philosophy of Science, vol. 3, 1936, vol. 4, 1937.

50. Сarnap R. Logical Foundations of Probability. Chicago, 1950.

51. Carnap R. The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts. – Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 1, Feigl H. and Sсriven M. (eds.). Minneapolis, 1956.

52. Сaspar M. – Dyсk R. Johannes Kepler in seinen Briefen. – Bd.

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