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Оккультизм, колдовство и моды в культуре

Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture // American Journal of Sociology. November 1972, no. 78, pp. 491-512; id. Esotйrisme et exotйrisme en sociologie: La sociology а 1'age du Verseau // Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie. 1952, N 52, pp. 33-51. !
2. Tiryakian E. Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture, pp. 498 f.
3. Ibid., p.499.


4. 1 -;8D0A5 528 A
5.  0?NA5 A
6. !
7.  C8-;>45 45 !5=-0@B5=5, «58725AB=>A>D5», A3@0D8N, @. 201, n. 125.
8. Revue Illustrйe. 15 February 1890, F8B. ?>: Meroz L. Renй Guйnon ou la sagcsse initiatique. Paris, 1962, p. 28.
9. Cp. Cavendish R. The Black Arts, pp. 34 ff.
10. Ibid., pp. 37 ff.; cp. SymondsJ. The Great Beast. New York, 1952. !
11. !@.: Tiryakian E. Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture, pp. 504 ff.
12.  Pe=e >
13. !A>15==>AB8, Corbin II. En Islam iranien. 4 vols. Paris, 1971-1972.
14. !@.: Le Forestier R. La Franc-Maзonnerie Templiйre ct occultisme. Paris, 1970; Joly A, Un Mystique lyonnais et les secrets de la Franc-Maзonnerie. Macon, 1938; Rijnbeck G. van. Un Thaumaturge au XVII5 siиcle; Faivre A. Kirchberger et l'illuminisme du 185 siиcle. The Hague, 1966; id., Eckartshausen et la thйosophic chrйtienne. Paris, 1969; id., L'Esotйrisme au XVIII5 siиcle. Paris, 1973.
15. !A;5 B>3>, :0: 1K;8 =0?8A0=K MB8 AB@>:8, 6>75D 84EM59 709 :=838 (Science and Civilization in China. Cambridge, Eng., 1974), ?>A2OI5==>9 «B:@KB8N 8 87>1@5B5=8N 0;E8B0 8 15AA
16. Eliade M. The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structures of Alchemy. New York, 1971; ?5@2>=0G0;L=> :=830 1K;0 8740=0 ?>4 703;0285
17. !@.: Eliade M. Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. New York, 1958; ?5@2>=0G0;L=> 8740=> =0 D@0=FC7A:>


. The Tantric Tradition. London and New York, 1963; Wayman A. The Buddhist Tantras. New York, 1973.
18. !=0G0;L=> 8740=> =0 D@0=FC7A:>3@0D8O, pp. 518 569.
19. 'B>1K ?>:070BL H8@>:89 8=B5@5A : H0 425 ?C1;8:0F88 ?>A;54=53> 2@5;5?=K9 2K?CA: Artscanada, nos. 184 187 December 1973/January 1974, ?>4 703;0285G8A;5==K
20. Yates F. A. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. Chicago, 1964; id., The Hermetic Tradition in Renaissance Science // Singleton C. S., ed. Art, Science and History in the Renaissance. Baltimore, 1967, pp. 255-274; id., The Theatre of the World. Chicago, 1967; id., The Rosicrucian Enlightenment. London, 1972. !
21. !
22. Ginsburg C. I benandanti. Turin, 1966.
23. !@2. =865, 3;. 5, Some Observations on European Witchcraft.
24. Heenan E. F.(ed.) Mystery, Magic and Miracle, p. 87.

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