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Оккультизм, колдовство и моды в культуре

noi'ibid., p. 120, n. 41.
20. &8B. =>: ibid., p. 119.
21. Ibid., pp. 125-26.
22. !

;020 3
1. Lloyd Warner W. A Black Civilization: A Study of an Australian Tribe. 1937; rev. ed., 1958; reprint, New York, 1964, pp. 5-6.
2.   ?@>8AE>645=88 A
3. 2AB@0;89A:85 ?;5AB8, Strehlow T. G. Aranda Traditions. Melbourne, 1947, pp. 44 45 (65==K9 2: From Primitives to Zen, pp. 140 142).
4. 8D>;>388 &5=B@0;L=>9 788, !818@8 8 !525@=>9 @K5 ?@8
5. !


6. Codrington R. II. The Melanesiens. Oxford, 1895, p.265 (= From Primitives to Zen, p.139).
7. FrazerJ. G. The Belief in Immortality, 3 vols. London, 1913, 1:74 75, F8B. no: Kruijt A. C. (=From Primitives to Zen, p. 140).
8. !@2. Eliade M. Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries. New York, 1960; reprinted, New York, 1967, pp. 59 ff. !
9. !AB8, Pettersson . Jabmek and Jabmeaimo: A Comparative Study of the Dead and of the Realm of the Dead in Lappish Religion. Lund, 1957, pp. 20 ff.
10. Reichet-Dolmatoff G. Notas sobre el simbolismo religioso de los Indios de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria // Razon y Fabula, Re vista de la Universidad Los Andes. 1967, no. 1, pp. 55 72, esp. pp. 63 ff. CM. B0:65 Eliade M. The Quest: History and Meanijig in Religion. Chicago, 1969, pp. 138 ff., id., South American High Gods, Part II // History of Religions. 1971 (10), no. 3, pp. 234-66, esp. pp. 256 ff.
11. Cp. Eliade M. Birth and Rebirth. New York, 1958; ?5@58740=> ?>4 703;0285
13. Eliade M. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. New York, 1964, pp. 500 ff.
14. !
15. > MB>9 B5BK $@M75@0 (The Belief in Immortality, vol. 1 3) 8 5BB5@AA>=0 (Jabmek and Jabmeaimo) F5==K 1;03>40@O A>1@0==K
16. Eliade M. Australian Religions. Ithaca, N.Y, 1973, p. 167.
17. Buecheler, 9d., Carmina latina epigraphica, no. 1421 // JacobsenJ. P. Les M2nes. 3 vols. Paris, 1924, pp. 1-72.
18. Cullmann O. Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? // Stendahl K., ed. Immortality and Resurrection. New York, 1965, p. 29.
19. @8
20. / @0AA59 3>B>2OI59AO : ?5G0B8 :=835 «Mythologies de la mort».


21. !
22. Mklamadhyamakakniks 25. 19, 2 ?5@52>45 Streng F.J. Emptiness. Nashville, 1967, p. 217.
23. &8B. =>:. Richardson W.J. Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought. The Hague, 1967, p. 76.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid., p. 574.
26. Heidegger M. Vortrдge und Aufsдtze. Pfullingen, 1954, p. 177, A :>

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1. 1 >::C;LB87 2>7@>645=88 81H8@=0O ;8B5@0BC@0. >6=> >1@0B8BLAO : B0:8G=8:01H8@=>9 181;8>3@0D859); Tiryakian E.

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