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Оккультизм, колдовство и моды в культуре

2. 5:>B>@K5 87 MB8E 8=B5@?@5B0F89 1K;8 @0AAB@5=K 2 59 AB0BL5 «Initiation and the Modern World» // The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion. Chicago, 1969, pp. 112-126.
3. Freud S. Totem und Tabu. 1913, p. 110, AAK;:0 2 @01>B5: KroeberF.L. Totem and Taboo: An Ethnological Psychoanalysis // American Anthropologist 1920, no. 22, 48-55.
4. Schmidt W. The Origin and Growth of Religion. New York, 1931, p. 112.
5. !
6. Schmidt W. Origin and Growth of Religion, pp.112-145.
7.  87;>65=88 Robertson Smith W. Lectures on the Religions of the Semites. London, 1899, p.338.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid., p.281.
10. !3@0D8N 2: HenningerJ. 1st der sogennante Nilus-Bericht eine brauchbare religiongeschichtliche Quelle? // Anthropos. 1955, N 50, p. 81-148, esp. pp. 86 ff.
11. Foucard G. Histoire des religions et mйthode comparative. 2d йd. Paris, 1912, pp. 132 ff.
12. Ibid., p.lxv: «Et pour le chameau de saint Nil, je persisterai а croire qu'il ne mйrite pas de porter sur son dos le poids des origines d'une partie de Phistoire des religions».
13. Heussi K. Das Nilusproblem. Leipzig, 1921. 81;8>3@0D8O : @01>B5 %59A8 > 8;5 !8=09A:>
14. !3@0D8N 2: Henninger J., pp. 86 ff.


15. > ?>2>4C :@8B8G5A:>9 >F5=:8 =5>?>78B8287A0 A
16. Eliade M. The Sacred and the Modern Artist // Criterion, spring 1965, pp.22 24. 5@2>=0G0;L=> AB0BLO 1K;0 >?C1;8:>20=0 ?>4 703;0285

;020 2
1. Spencer B, Gillen F.J. The Arunta, 2 vols. London, 1926, pp. 1:388.
2. Cp. Eliade M. The Sacred and the Profane. New York, 1959, pp. 31 - 39. !
3. Lйvi-Strauss C. Tristes tropiques. Paris, 1955, pp.227 ft'.; RykwertJ. The Idea of a Town, ?5@5?5G0B0=> 87: Forum, Lectura Architectonica. Hilversum, n.d., p. 41.
4. Aeneid 4.212; cf. Rykwert. The Idea of a Town.
5. !@2. The Sacred and the Profane, p.47; A
6. !
7. !20==CN ;8B5@0BC@C 2 :=835: The Center of the World.
8. Groslier B.-P., ArthaudJ. The Arts and Civilization of Angkor. New York, 1957, p. 30.
9. !AK;:8 A
10. !
11. !


Religion, Presented to Gershom G. Scholem, ed. E.E. Urbach, R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and C. Wirszubski. Jerusalem, 1967, pp. I31-39,\i The Center of the World, chaps. 3-4.
12. !
13. !
14. !20==CN ;8B5@0BC@C 2 :=830E: Eliade M. The Myth of the Eternal Return. New York, 1959, pp. 7 ff.; The Sacred and the Profane, pp. 36 ff.
15. Smith J. Z. Earth and Gods // Journal of Religion.1969, no. 49, p. 112.
16. &8B. no: ibid., p. .
17. Ibid., p. 117.
18. Ibid., p. 118.
19. &8B.

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