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Кровь брата твоего.

Ed by F. Guizot. Paris, 1823-1827.

188. Wasserman, Jacob. Mem Weg als Deutscher und Jude(1921). Tr as My Life as German and Jew. London, 1934.

189. Weill, Georges. Histoire du mouvement social en France. Paris, 1924.

190. Weizmann, Chaim. Trial and Error. London, 1949.

191. Williams, A. Lukyn. Adversus Judaeos. Cambridge, 1935.

192. Wilson, Arnold. Loyalties, Mesopotamia 1914-1917. London,1930.

193 Wilson, Thomas. A Discourse upon Usury (1572). Ed. by R.H. Tawney. London, 1925.

194. Witherby, Thomas. An Attempt to Remove Prejudices Concerning the Jewish Nation. London, 1804.

195. Witherby, Thomas. Observations on Mr Bicheno's Book entitled The Restoration of the Jews, The Crisis of all Nations… London, 1800.

196 Zevaes, Alexandre. L'Affaire Dreyfus. Paris, 1931

197. Ziff, W. The Rape of Palestine. 1938.

198. Zweig, Stefan. The World of Yesterday. London, 1934.

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