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Оккультизм, колдовство и моды в культуре

-B> >=0, >65AB25==0O >GL !5@51@O=>3> >;C1@07C5B 459AB28O BF0 8 !K=0 2 F5;>AB=>ABL 0B5@80;L=>9 A=>2K KB8O, =5 65@B2CO ?@8 MB>A?>@825@H05B MB> 157> 2AO:>3> CI548B5;LA:>3> 8;8 35@>8G5A:>3> >1@07>2 2;0AB8. 0: 2>AE8B8B5;L=> =01;N40BL, :0: >=0 ?>44@07=820=85B:>9 ?>1C6405B BF0 8 !K=0 A=>20 ?@52@0B8BLAO 2 ?@8@>4=KE, CB25@640NI8E 87=L O7KG5A:8E 1>3>2». (&8B. ?>: Ellwood R. Notes, p. 134.)


37. 0 A04>@ >770: 8 %0@28 >:A, 2AO ;>456=0O :C;LBC@0 (:>=B@-:C;LBC@0) >@85=B8@>20=0 =0 @048:0;L=>5, «M:78AB5=F80;L=>5» >1=>2;5=85 (renovatio). -B> O2;5=85 =5 O2;O5BAO =>2>ABLN 2 >B=>A8B5;L=> A>2@59 52@>?59A:>9 8AB>@88. 5:>B>@K5 A?5F8D8G5A:85 G5@BK A>2@5456=KE 42865=89 E0@0:B5@87CNB B0:65 8 8725AB=>5 42865=85 ;>4568 2 5@9 2>9 2>9=>9  Wandervцgel. !
38. ! ?>4 703;0285
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40. >A?5H81028BL, GB> MB> CG5=85 7=0G8B5;L=> 1>;55 AB@>3> 8 1>;55 C1548B5;L=>, G5::C;LB87
41. Guйnon R. La Mйtaphysique orientale. Paris, 1937, pp. 12 ff.
42. !AB8, MAA5 Schuon R, Pallis M., Burckhardt ". 8 4@. The Sword of Gnosis: Metaphysics, Cosmology, Tradition, Symbolism. Baltimore, 1974.

;020 5
1. Delcambre E. Le Concept de la sorcellerie dans le duchй de Lorraine au XVI5 et XVII5 siиcle. Nancy, 1948-1951; Trevor-Roper H. R. The European Witch-Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and Other Essays. New York, 1969; Harper Torchbook, 345 ?5@58740=K 3;02K 1 4 87: Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: Religion, the Reformation and Social Change. 1968; RusselJ. B. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, N.Y., 1972 A >1H8@=>9 181;8>3@0D859 (pp. 350-377); Thomas . Religion and the Decline of Magic. New York, 1971. !


2. Hansen J. Zauberwahn, Inquisition und Hexenprozess im Mittelalter und die Enstehung dcr grosscn Hexenverfolgung. Munich, 1900; reprint ed. Munich, 1964; Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Hexenwahns und der Hexenverfolgung im Mittelalter. Bonn, 1901; reprint cd., Hildesheim, 1963; Lea H. C. The History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. 3 vols. New York, 1883; reprint cd., New York, 1957; Materials toward a History of Witchcraft. Ed. Arthur Howland. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1939; reprint ed.

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