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Постструктурализм, деконструктивизм, постмодернизм.

// Poetique. -- P., 1970, -- No I. -- P. 50-62.

287. Lacoue-Labarthe Ph. La poesie comme experience. -- P., 1986. -- 176р.

288. Laplanche J., Pontalis J. The language of psychoanalysis. -- L., 1980.--XV, 510р.

289. Lavers A. Roland Barthes, structuralism and after. -- L., 1982. -- XXI, 300 p.

290. Leclaire S. Demasquer le reel. -- P., 1971. -- 183 p.

291. Lemaire A. Jacques Lacan. -- L., 1977. -- ХХЕХ, 266 р.

292. Languages of knowledge and of inquiry. / Ed. by Riffaterre M. -- N.Y., 1982.--276 p.

293. Leitch V. American literary criticism from the thirties to the eighties. -- N.Y., 1988. -- 458 p.

294. Leitch V. Deconstructive criticism: An advanced introd. -- L. etc., 1983. --290р.

295. Lentricchia F. After the New criticism. -- Chicago, 1980. -- XIV, 384р.

296. Lentricchia F. Criticism and the social change. -- Chicago, 1983. -- VIII, 173 p.
296a. Lethen H. Modernism cut in half: The exclusion of the avantgarde and the debate on postmodernism. // Approaching postmodernism. -- Amsterdam, 1986. -- P. 233-238.
296b. Le Vot A. Disjunctive and conjunctive modes in contemporary American fiction. // Form.- N.Y., 1976. --Vol.14, No I. -- P. 44-45.

297. The limits of theory. / Ed. by Kavanagh Th.M. -- Stanford, 1989. -- 272р.

298. Llewelyn J. Derrida on the threshold of sense. -- L.,1986. -- XIII, 137 p.

299. Lodge D. Working with structuralism: Essays a. reviews on 19th and 20th-century literature. -- L., 1981. --XII.207 p.

300. Lotringer S. Le 'complexe' de Saussure. // Semiotexte. -- P., 1975. --No2.--P.I 10-123.

301. Lyotard J.-F. Answering question: What is postmodernism. //Innovation/Renovation: New perspectives on the humanities. / Ed.by Hassan I., Hassan S. -- Madison, 1983. -- P. 329-341.

302. Lyotard J.-F. La condition postmodeme: Rapport sur le savoir. -- P, 1979. -- 109 p.

303. Lyotard J.-F. Le difterand. -- P., 1984. -- 272 p.

304. Lyotard. J.-F. Tombeau de rintellectuel et autre papiers. -- P., 984.--96 p.

305. MacCabe С. James Joyce and the revolution of the world. -- L., 1978. --274р.

306. MacCabe С. Theoretical essays. -- Manchester, 1985. -- VIII, 152р.

307. MacCannell J. F. Figuring Lacan: Criticism and the cultural unconscious. -- L., 1986. --XXI, 182.

308. Macherey P. Pour une theorie de la production litteraire. -- P., 1966. --336р.

309. Malmgren С. D. Fictional space in the modernist and postmodernist American novel. -- Lewisburg, 1985. -- 240 p.


310. Mannoni M. Le psychiatre, son You' et la psychanalyse. -- P., 1970. -- 269 p.

311. Martin Heidegger and the question of literature: Toward a postmod. lit.hermeneutics. / Ed. by Spanos W. V. -- Bloomington; L..1979. --XXII, 327 p.

312. Mazzaro J. Postmodern American poetry. -- Urbana, 1980. -- XI, 203р.

313. Mead G. H. Mind, Self and society. -- Chicago, 1934. -- XXXVIII, 400р.

314. Megill A. Prophets of extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida. -- Berkeley etc., 1985. --XXIII, 399 p.

315. Merleau-Ponty M. La phenomenologie de la perception. -- P., 1967. -- 274 p.

316. Michel Foucault: Power, truth and strategy. / Ed.wlth a pref. By Meaghan M., Patton P. -- Sydney, 1979. -- 184 p.

317. Miller J. H. Fiction and repetition: Seven English novels. -- Cambridges, 1982. -- 250 p.

318. Miller J. H. The linguistic moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens. -- Princeton.1985. --XXI, 445 p.

319. Miller J. H. Steven's rock and criticism as cure: 2 // Georgia rev. -- N.Y., 1976. -- Vol.30, No 2. -- P. 335-348.

320. Miller J. H. Tradition and difference, rev. of M. H. Abrams' Natural supernatural. // Diacritics. -- Baltimore. -- 1972. -- Vol.2, No 2. -- P. 9-12.

321. Mitchel 1 J. Psycoanalysis and feminism. -- L., 1974. -- 456 p.

322. Moi T. Sexual/texual politics: Feminist literary history. -- L., 1985. --200р.

323. Moriarty M. Roland Barthes. -- Stanford, 1991. -- XII, 255 p.

324. Morris W. The irrepressible real: Jacques Lacan and post- structuralism. // American criticism in the poststruturalist age. / Ed. by Konigsberg I. -- Michigan, 1981. -- P. 116-34.

325. Morrissette В. Post-modem generative fiction: Novel and film. // Crit. inquiry. -- Chicago, 1975. --Vol. 2, No 2. -- P. 281-314.

326. Nordahl Lund S. L'aventure du signifiant: Une lecture de Barthes. --P., 1981.-- 124р.

327. Norris Ch. Deconstruction and the Interest of theory. -- L.. 1988. -- 244 p.

328. OTarreU С. Foucault: Historian or philosopher? -- L., 1989. -- 188 P-

329. Ohman R. Uterature as act. // Approaches to poetics. -- N.Y.; L., 1973.--P. 81-107.

330. Oliva A. B. The international trans-avantgarde. // Plashart -- N.Y., 1982. -- No 104. -- P. 36-43.

331. Ong W. J. Orality and literacy: The technologising of the world. -- L., 1982. --X, 201 p.


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