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Мотивация и личность

Barrett, W., Irrational Man, New York: Doubleday, 1958.

Barren, F., Creativity and Psychological Health, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1963.

Barry, J. R., and Malinovsky, M. R., Client Motivation for Rehabilitation: A Review, Monogr. No. 1, 1965, Gainesville, Fla.: Regional Rehabilitation Research Institute, University of Florida.

Bartlett, F. C., Remembering, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1932.

Bateson, G., and Mead, M., Balinese Character: A Photo-graphic Analysis, New York: The New York Academy of Sciences, 1942.

Bay, C., The Structure of Freedom, New York: Antheneum, 1968.

Bay, C., Needs, wants and political legitimacy, Can. J. pol. Sci., 1968, 1, 241-260.

Becker, E., The Structure of Evil, New York: Braziller, 1968.

Beer, M., Leadership Employee Needs and Motivation, Monogr. No. 129, 1966, Columbus, O.: The Ohio State University.

Belo, J., The Trance in Bali, New York: Columbia University Press, 1960.

Benedict, R., Unpublished lectures on Synergy in Society, Bryn Mawr, 1942. Excerpts to be published, Amer. Anthropologist, 1970.

Bennett.E., Diamond, M., Krech, D., and Rosenzweig, M., Chemical and anatomical plasticity of brain, Science, 1964, 146, 610-619.

Bennis, W., Changing Organizations, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

Bennis, W., and Slater, P., The Temporary Society, New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

Bennis, W., Schein E., Berlew, D., and Steele, F. (eds.), Interpersonal Dynamics, second ed., Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey, 1968.

Bennis, W., Organizations of the future, Personnel Administration, 1967, 30, 6-24.

Bergson, H., Creative Evolution, New York: Modem Library, 1944.

Bernard, L. L., Instinct: A Study in Social Psychology, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1924.

Berne, E., Games People Play, New York: Grove Press, 1964.

Bertalanffy, L. V., Modem Theories of Development, London: Oxford University Press, 1933.

Bertocci, P., and Millard, R., Personality and the Good, New York: McKay, 1963.

Bettelheim, B., The Informed Heart, New York: Free Press, 1960.

Bibring, E., The development and problems of the theory of instincts, Int. J. Psychoanal., 1941, 22,1-30.

Blai, B., Jr., An occupational study of job satisfaction, J. exptl. Education, 1964, 32, 383-388.

Blazer, J., An experimental evaluation of "transcendence of environment", J. humanistic Psychol., 1963,3, 49-53.

Blyth, R. H., Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics, Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1942.

Bois, J. S., The Art of Awareness, Dubuque, Iowa: Brown, 1966.

Boisen, A., The Exploration of the Inner World, New York: Harper & Row, 1952.

Bonner, H., Psychology of Personality, New York: Ronald Press, 1961.

Bonney, M. E., The Normal Personality, Berkeley, Calif.: McCutchan, 1969.

Boss, M., A Psychiatrist Discovers India, London: Oswald Wolff, 1965.

Bossom, J., and Maslow, A. H., Security of judges as a factor in impressions of warmth in others, J. abnorm. soc. Psychol., 1957, 55, 147-148.

Bowlby, J., Maternal Care and Mental Health, Geneva: World Health Organization, 1952.

Braden, W., The Private Sea, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967.

Brand, M., Savage Sleep, New York: Crown, 1968.

Breuer, J., and Freud, S., Studies in Hysteria, Boston: Beacon, 1961.

Bronowski, J., Science and Human Values, New York: Harper & Row, 1956.

Brown, G. I., Now: the Human Dimension, Monogr. No. 1, 1968, Big Sur, Calif.: Esalen Institute.

Bugental, J., The Search for Authenticity, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.

Bugental, J. (ed.), Challenges of Humanistic Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

Buhler, C., Psychology for Contemporary Living, New York: Hawthorn, 1969.

Buhler, C., Values in Psychotherapy, New York: Free Press, 1962.

Buhler, C., and Massarik, F. (eds.), The Course of Human Life: A Study of Life Goals in the Humanistic Perspective, New York: Springer, 1968.

Buhler, C., Maturation and motivation, Dialectica, 1951, 5, 321-361.

Buhler, C., Psychotherapy and the image of man, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1968, 5, 89-94.

Buhler, C., The reality Principle, Am. J. Psychother., 1954, 8, 626-647.

Burrow, T., Preconscious Foundations of Human Experience, Gait, W. E. (ed.), New York: Free Press, 1964.

Burtt, E. A., In Search of Philosophic Understanding, London: George Alien and Unwin, 1967.

Cannon, W. G., Wisdom of the Body. New York: Norton, 1932.

Carpenter, J., Relations between dominance-feeling (self-esteem) and musical tastes, Unpublished.

Carpenter, J., and Eisenberg, P., Some relations between family background and personality, J. Psychol., 1938, 6, 115-136.

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